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Thread: Assize

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Assize

    "Let it be known to Coronach," Father Destinova, the Chamberlain and Vicar of Wessex proclaimed to his messenger, "that an assize has been called. The accused are Caine Kindrid and Spaw Kindrid who will stand before a jury of their peers to be judged of the heinous crime of disrespect and harrassment towards another resident of the Duchy of Wessex."

    Destinova broke the Duke's seal on a parchment he had been given by the Duke earlier and unrolled it on his desk. "The following shall attend as jury. Koma, The Hawk, Seeker of Truth, herald to the Duke of Wessex. Aethelric, Clerk of the Ducal Court. Thyreus de Gothia, Sheriff of Wessex. Sayton de Gothia, Man-at-Arms of the Ducal Garrison. Robert Setles, clerk of the Ducal Court. Theodoric Brionne, Footman of the Ducal Garrison."

    Pausing to contemplate the events of the day, Destinova shook his head. As he handed the writ to the messenger he said, "See that Coronach is informed, show him this if need be. He needs to contact each member of the jury and inform them to report in at court. Tomorrow we shall present the evidence in front of them. Go now." The messenger left silently.
    Last edited by Manus Dei; 09-27-2007 at 04:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Caine Guest


    Im completly offended and humiliated at the fact that I wasn't saught out at all about anything that happend. Im so sad right now that you are puting me on trial, 8***** -(. This makes me sad so much that you didn't even talk to me about what happend and you just banned me without any type of warning. And you keep sending me ichurch invites and its' hurting my feelings. Its on my rights, I dont want to join in something I dont believe in. Kind of like how I was banned for using a common "word" which is as you know a word. Words physicallyylyly hurt and theres no way I can turn away from the screen.
    Last edited by Caine; 09-27-2007 at 01:16 AM.

  3. #3
    Oprah Guest


    Well most of us were completely offended by your actions today.

  4. #4


    (( The big main part of this argument would probably come up with the usage of the word, 'gay'. The word 'gay' has been influenced in my daily life for the past eight years, for as long as I can remember as another way to say it being, 'stupid'. I was confronted by him about the usage of the word 'gay', and I told him that, honestly; I wasn't going to change my ways anytime soon for one compliant against a person who beliefs I don't believe in. So why should I have to change my everyday speech because of one anothers beliefs. ))
    I quit Darkfall 05.24.2009

  5. #5


    ((I have no idea what has happened, but I'm available for the jury duty. I hope we can work whatever it is that happened out in a friendly manner.))

  6. #6


    I humbly remit for jury duty.
    Last edited by Robert Setles; 09-27-2007 at 03:55 PM.

    Sig by Twyster Stronngust

  7. #7


    ((Just making it known that I've seen the message that I'm called to jury duty.))

  8. #8


    ((I will be on 7pm - 1am EST, and have been notified of my obligation for jury duty.))
    Give me the Order of the Virtuous Hundred. Or failing that give me a thousand other troops.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stigand Brionne View Post
    If you do choose Mahirim, you can be my personal alignment buffer.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stigand Brionne View Post
    Bishops roll diagonal motherfucker!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    His boots made an ominous clacking sound on the marbled floor of the grand audience chamber as he approached the evidence table. Destinova's strides were purposeful, but not slow enough to cause anyone to think he was being over-dramatic, which he knew he was.

    The evidence table was strewn with paper. Transcripts, he knew. The most difficult part was figuring where to begin. There was such a mess, most of it given to him by several different people. He supposed he'd try to start from before the beginning. Clearing his throat felt good, but didn't help make what he had to say any easier.

    "People of the jury, welcome. On this day of our Lady, the twenty-seventh day of this month of September, in the year twenty-hundred and seven, we are gathered to pass judgment on two of our esteemed peers." Destinova glanced at the bench where Caine and Spaw Kindrid were seated. "Caine Kindrid and Spaw Kindrid, you stand accused of breaking the Common Law under the article of 'Let no one molest or harass his fellow subject.'

    "Before the evidence is shown, I must remind you all that as a jury you are obligated to judge without bias. Previous friendships or animosities are to be set aside. Only the facts Shall be judged here, and let's keep it at this. This is simply the case of one person who felt threatened, intimidated and singled-out by two people who broke the common law of Wessex by doing so. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me go back to where I am told it began.

    "In the piece below, we see Finnigan enter the room and without provocation is verbally attacked by Spaw."

    [21:15] * [WSX]Finnigan has joined #wsx
    [21:15] <[WSX]Finnigan> Afternoon, all.
    [21:16] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Hey.
    [21:16] <[WSX]Finnigan> How'd the drill go yesturday?
    [21:16] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Had server problems.
    [21:16] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Didn't happen to my knowledge.
    [21:17] <[WSX]Finnigan> No?
    [21:17] <[WSX]Finnigan> That's too bad.
    [21:17] <[WSX]Finnigan> Maybe we can get one rolling, today, perhaps.
    [21:18] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Finnigan was up to nogood, smokin that weed in the neighborhood. He got blimbburned once and his mom gotscared, said your movingwith your auntie and uncle in compton.
    [21:19] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> I see a thread called "Release Party"
    [21:19] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> if its about Halo3
    [21:19] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Go fuck y ourself.
    [21:19] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> YEP
    [21:19] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> GO FUCK URSELF
    [21:19] <[WSX]Finnigan> What's that?
    [21:19] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Halo3nuuubbbzzzz
    [21:19] <[WSX]Finnigan> Can't hear you over the whine.

    "This was the first exchange. It doesn't end there however, Spaw continues to direct his hostility at Finnigan after a few short minutes."

    [21:22] <[WSX]Finnigan> Who is Jarlaxle anyway?
    [21:22] <+[WSX]Chrono> A solo player from rune
    [21:23] <+[WSX]Chrono> Or so he say
    [21:23] <[WSX]Finnigan> Aside from a person who takes Salvatore too seriously.
    [21:23] <+[WSX]Chrono> He said he had no intentions of joining Wsx.
    [21:23] <[WSX]Finnigan> So he's just a scrounger?
    [21:23] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> scrounger?
    [21:23] <+[WSX]Chrono> scrounger?
    [21:23] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Hes just another player.
    [21:24] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> We ain't no "thou thy speech" terms
    [21:24] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> hes a regular gamer who owns faces.
    [21:24] <+[WSX]Chrono> owns faces?
    [21:24] <[WSX]Finnigan> Woah, calm down ma'am.
    [21:24] <+[WSX]Chrono> I think hes from the DF board
    [21:24] <+[WSX]Chrono> He know about their server
    [21:24] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Ma'am?
    [21:25] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Don't start with name callin' like that Finnigan.
    [21:25] <[WSX]Finnigan> Start?
    [21:25] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Only Chrono can,<3
    [21:25] <+[WSX]Chrono> : O
    [21:25] <[WSX]Finnigan> "nuuubbbzzzz"
    [21:25] <+[WSX]Chrono> lol
    [21:25] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> fag
    [21:26] <+[WSX]Chrono> easy now...
    [21:26] <[WSX]Finnigan> Woah. Now that's going a little bit too far.
    [21:26] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> hey Fnnigian how aoubt you go fcuk yurolesf sptiud siht
    [21:26] <+[WSX]Chrono> : O
    [21:26] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> I love that trick.
    [21:27] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> scramble the letters but you can still read it
    [21:27] <+[WSX]Chrono> what trick?
    [21:27] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> as long as the last and first letter are inplace, youcan read it.
    [21:27] <+[WSX]Chrono> yes.. wow.
    [21:28] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> btw finnigan if you think my comment wasserious, I guess I gotta slap ya a gewd one.

    "When I look at this, I can't find any reason for Spaw to be hostile towards Finnigan. He's a trial member, and as far as I can tell very friendly towards everyone. He's so keen about Wessex, he's taken the yeoman exam already and he's not even a full member. There's absolutely no reason to treat him this way. While I'll agree that Finnigan may or may not have asked him to stop at this point, and perhaps even encouraged him a little bit by engaging him with mock titles, this is not all the evidence I have to present. Let us view the next piece.

    "These were given to me as private message logs between Finnigan and Spaw. Much of Finnigan's text is left out."

    [14:39] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> If I were to give two shits on a arguement, I wouldn't say that.
    [14:40] <[WSX]Finnigan> Then cope with people who refute your ignorance. As a member of the GSA, at my college, I take GREAT offense to derogatory terms that associate those of homosexuality as being anything other than people like you or me.
    [14:40] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> ...
    [14:40] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Your part of "The Alliance"
    [14:40] <[WSX]Finnigan> Gay Straight Alliance, yes.
    [14:45] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Its a word, if I'm titled, I can say fuck them because I'm disciplined for it.
    [14:45] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> I could care less waht they think.
    [14:45] <[WSX]Finnigan> Why are you even fighting? Couldn't you just take a step back for a moment and consider the possibility of just respecting your peers through limiting language that offends people?
    [14:47] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Well for one, this in the internet, and I like to keep my grasp on the first amendment. But I do understand what your saying, but honestly. It doesn't make a difference unless I care about the person.
    [14:58] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> I'm clearly thinking. I'm just telling you that, I don't need people, I can be self-sufficent. This is how I work, If I offend you, and if you expect for me to change, you better offer something back.
    [14:58] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> If a person wants to change the way I am, they need to change/do something in return.
    [14:58] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Me being unique, my identity.
    [14:59] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Like you said earlier, stand out.
    [14:59] <[WSX]Finnigan> Perhaps you shouldn't be part of a clan, if you are so incapable of thinking of your peers. My vocabulary doesn't harm. Derogatory terms forged from hate, and so over-generalized do.
    [15:00] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Only reason why I'm part of the clan is because theres going to be a hell alot of PVP, aswell as ex-DL memembers are in the Duchy. I respect people who I trust and know. If I don't know you/trust you, then I won't change my ways for you.

    "All this before Caine even showed up. Between the exchanges, Spaw and Finnigan both quit IRC and returned. At this point, Spaw had not yet returned. Here's what happened when Caine showed up."

    [23:14] * Caine has joined #WSX
    [23:16] <Caine> *steals car stero*
    [23:16] <+[WSX]Chrono> : O
    [23:17] <[WSX]Gwar> HEY! put my stereo back caine
    [23:17] <Caine> Tea drinking honkeee, plllzzz
    [23:18] <[WSX]Gwar> honkee? i prefer white trash, thank you very much
    [23:19] * [WSX]Finnigan steals stereo from Caine and wanders off.
    [23:21] <Caine> go a head
    [23:21] <Caine> be my guest
    [23:21] <Caine> little do you know
    [23:21] <Caine> that the stero
    [23:22] <Caine> is actually an anti-gay basher
    [23:22] <[WSX]Finnigan> ...
    [23:22] <[WSX]Finnigan> Wow.
    [23:22] <[WSX]Finnigan> Caine...

    "Seems almost like he had been briefed that Finnigan didn't take kindly to Spaw's use of the word 'gay'. Caine continued on, seemingly having a conversation with himself until he got more responses."

    [23:24] <Caine> So lets talk about Welfare, any statements you'd like to make Mr. Jefferson
    [23:24] <Caine> *Fat Albert* - I wanna talk toooo!
    [23:25] <Caine> Well, lets talk about Poverty
    [23:25] <Caine> this is soooooo gay. Df come out... NOW
    [23:26] <@[WSX]Coronach> Damn, Caine. Sounds like someone jacked your account.
    [23:27] <Caine> Im pissed off actually
    [23:27] <Caine> and im letting it off by typing
    [23:27] <Caine> I fucking hate people
    [23:27] <Caine> they need to die
    [23:27] <Caine> they all need to die
    [23:27] <Caine> in horrible car crashes
    [23:27] <+[WSX]Chrono> : O
    [23:27] <@[WSX]Coronach> Okay.
    [23:27] <+[WSX]Chrono> ........
    [23:28] <[WSX]Gwar> strange
    [23:28] <Caine> Really?
    [23:29] <Caine> if you don't know
    [23:29] <Caine> the answer
    [23:29] <Caine> to that
    [23:29] <Caine> then you have never worked
    [23:29] <Caine> with people
    [23:29] <Caine> ina resturaunt
    [23:29] <Caine> or retail
    [23:29] <[WSX]Gwar> oh i have, trust me

    "At this point, Spaw returns. They talk about nothing relevant for a bit. Setles, Coronach and Chrono join in the conversation. A bit later this begins..."

    [23:41] <Caine> Now i need to write a paper on gay people
    [23:41] <Caine> does anyone know anything about "gay" people
    [23:41] <[WSX]SpawKindrid>
    [23:41] <[WSX]Finnigan> omg...
    [23:41] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> lol.
    [23:42] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> I know gay actions happenalot in prison
    [23:42] <Caine> this i so gay
    [23:42] <Caine> that i have to write
    [23:42] <Caine> a gay paper
    [23:42] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> you seem to be really gay today Caine.
    [23:42] <Caine> dude there was this gay person at work today
    [23:42] <Caine> yeah i know
    [23:42] <Caine> or do they
    [23:42] <Caine> have u ever looked
    [23:42] <Caine> perv
    [23:42] <[WSX]Setles> unless you are reffering to it as a happy gay
    [23:43] <Caine> no such thing
    [23:43] <Caine> wait
    [23:43] <Caine> gay-aids
    [23:43] <Caine> similairty
    [23:43] <Caine> The American Psychological Association did a study on two gay indiviuals
    [23:43] <Caine> apparently they had un-protected sex for many many years
    [23:44] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Did they fail to be able to raise children like in South Park?
    [23:44] <Caine> did not recieve any problems with their.. yeah..
    [23:44] <Caine> Also did you know that the word gay means a lot of things
    [23:44] <Caine> like stupid
    [23:44] <Caine> ugly
    [23:44] <Caine> lame
    [23:44] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> eww..meatspin justpoppedup in my head.
    [23:44] <Caine> usually just poop
    [23:44] <Caine> unless the ground could talk
    [23:44] <Caine> like plants
    [23:44] <Caine> for fertalizer
    [23:45] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Plants can talk.
    [23:45] <Caine> then they would cal it happy poop
    [23:45] <Caine> NOT ENGRISH
    [23:45] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Caine lets do the Duchy Dance! YOu too Chrono!
    [23:45] * [WSX]SpawKindrid dances in the middle of the arena
    [23:45] <+[WSX]Chrono> wasdwasdswadwadswadawdasdawdasdawd
    [23:45] <Caine> Did you know that there is statistical evidence that people in the GSA have wussys
    [23:45] <+[WSX]Chrono> dawdsadawdasdawdsdwaasdawdasdawdasdaw
    [23:45] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> wdwadawdawdsdwasdwas
    [23:45] <+[WSX]Chrono> awdasdawdasdawdasdawdasdawdawdasdawd
    [23:45] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> dwadsdwasdwaswasdwa
    [23:45] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> wasdwasdwadssdwadasda
    [23:45] <Caine> and cant even protect themselves
    [23:45] <Caine> so they form a gang
    [23:46] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> A Gay math teacher at our school runs the "Alliance"
    [23:46] <Caine> wow
    [23:46] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> his name is Mr. Patrick
    [23:46] <Caine> is he the dance teacher as well
    [23:46] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> lol
    [23:46] <[WSX]Finnigan> Stop it!
    [23:47] <Caine> GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY
    [23:47] <[WSX]Finnigan> Right bloody now. What is wrong with you two?!
    [23:47] <Caine> Bloody?
    [23:47] <Caine> have you ever seen blood
    [23:47] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Um? Nothing? Besides that i'm hungry.
    [23:47] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> And I have Gilberts Syndrome
    [23:47] <Caine> im so gay hungry
    [23:47] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> I found out I was diagnosed with it a while ago.
    [23:48] <[WSX]Setles> is gilberts syndrome a nice way of saying you are stupid?
    [23:48] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> lol.
    [23:48] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> nah. jaundice shit.
    [23:48] <Caine> ACCURATE
    [23:48] <Caine> HEY FINNIGAN
    [23:49] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Finnigan can I have a peice of pie?
    [23:49] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> as long as its pumpkin.
    [23:49] <[WSX]Finnigan> What do you want?
    [23:49] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> as long as its pumpkin.
    [23:49] <Caine> I need info on gay people, shit one sec phone

    "This is when I looked up and saw what was going on and gave them a timeout from the channel. But it didn't end there, Spaw continued his assault in PM to Finnigan."

    [16:55] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> As you can see Finnigan. I can be your friend or I can be your worse enemey. I would've apologized for saying all that, but then I got offended earlier and so then I carried on.
    [16:56] <[WSX]Finnigan> you have been banned by your peers on the irc... and attacked me with Caine.
    [16:56] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> The funny thing is, Caine is part of the GSTB Alliance, but he still says all that.
    [16:56] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Attacked?
    [16:56] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> We didn't attack.
    [16:56] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> And not by my peers.
    [16:56] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> I was banned by an asshole that not even most like.
    [16:57] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Being banned by Desti is an accomplishment.

    "So let's review what's been shown here today.

    - Spaw begins his tirade of hostility towards Finnigan arbitrarily.
    - Finnigan messages Spaw asking him to stop, Spaw responds that he doesn't think he should. Finnigan declares to Spaw exactly what he has done to offend him. Spaw declares that only people he has known for a long time are worthy of him watching what he says.
    - Caine arrives in the channel and begins acting similarly towards Finnigan.
    - Spaw and Caine begin a clear assault on Finnigan, based on what Finnigan described as having found offensive.

    "Given the logs I've shown you, there's really no disputing their innocence. Although I think their guilt is clinched by their posts in this thread.

    "Caine makes a mockery of the events by taking a Zappa type approach to justify his behavior. This to me is an admission of guilt, else why would he attempt to justify himself? Spaw's post is also an attempt to justify his poor behavior.

    "They have broken the common law of Wessex. It is written that 'Let no one molest or harass his fellow subject.' Is this not exactly what they have done? He asked Spaw to stop several times and instead of continuing he took it to the next level and brought a friend in to help him!

    "It's rather disappointing that two members of Wessex would act so disrespectfully towards another, be it a trial member or not. How can we stand proud together when we allow this type of behavior to occur? It is a disgusting display of aggression I witnessed yesterday and share with you today.

    "May the Duke's justice be swift and fair."

  10. #10


    (( Just an fyi, I do indeed plead guilty, but I plead guilty with a reasoning.

    [21:19] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> I see a thread called "Release Party"
    [21:19] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> if its about Halo3
    [21:19] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Go fuck y ourself.
    [21:19] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> YEP
    [21:19] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> GO FUCK URSELF
    [21:19] <[WSX]Finnigan> What's that?
    [21:19] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Halo3nuuubbbzzzz

    Was a response to my hatred for Halo3/Consel Games; nothing serious.

    21:24] <[WSX]Finnigan> Woah, calm down ma'am.
    [21:24] <+[WSX]Chrono> I think hes from the DF board
    [21:24] <+[WSX]Chrono> He know about their server
    [21:24] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Ma'am?
    [21:25] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Don't start with name callin' like that Finnigan.
    [21:25] <[WSX]Finnigan> Start?
    [21:25] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> Only Chrono can,<3
    [21:25] <+[WSX]Chrono> : O
    [21:25] <[WSX]Finnigan> "nuuubbbzzzz"
    [21:25] <+[WSX]Chrono> lol
    [21:25] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> fag - didn't know about the whole gay/fag useage at the moment.
    [21:26] <+[WSX]Chrono> easy now...
    [21:26] <[WSX]Finnigan> Woah. Now that's going a little bit too far.
    [21:26] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> hey Fnnigian how aoubt you go fcuk yurolesf sptiud siht

    After being called a 'ma'am', I remembered what I learned from school in intro to psych about how the human mind doesn't read all the letters in a word and tested it out, not harm intended there. These logs are like, a coupl'a days old, or some of them are.

    [ [21:28] <[WSX]SpawKindrid> btw finnigan if you think my comment was serious, I guess I gotta slap ya a gewd one. ] ))

    Spaw standing in front of the crowd and jury. Showing no facial expression awaiting his punishment instead of having to go through the hassle of a trial. Looking at the Chamberlain as he speaks.
    I quit Darkfall 05.24.2009

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