Quote Originally Posted by Duke Wessex View Post
Wessex really was never supposed to be a tradional fantasy rp clan. It was supposed to be a history clan. The core concept of the clan is nothing more than to implement feudal structure into a war game, and at the same time to develop a sophisticated culture that is game based. My idea of a "history" clan is simply one whose government and organization responds to a situation in a war game that emulates a situation in history in the same way as governments of that given time. If the situation in history (the game) changes, then the form of the clan adapts too. The Wessex in Perpetuum right now has a very different theme than we do, for example.

This is not the same as following lore. Roleplaying and character embodiment is not a core concept - if it was, the Duchy wouldn't be special at all, it would be just the latest in a chain of unremarkable clans including the Kingdom of Eleador, the Realm of Kirdain, the Kingdom of F'ere'al'da'liana', etc . King Manus is not a roleplayer. King Manus just uses roleplaying sometimes.
I disagree here, I firmly believe that the remarkability of wessex has much more to do with the very high quality and the long years of dedication from what was a very talented and wealthy community pulling off a perfectly functional feudal gaming society, than from the simple idea of "fitting into the game" and creating an historical type of evolution.

The clans u named here, even if they were aimed to be very similar, didnt reach your level of profesionalism and dedication in any of the areas, neither their members had any particular charisma , furthermore Wessex was always considered the main clan and the origin of the hyperion kingdom (rightfully so) which also added to the success.

However its not fair to compare them with wessex and basically use them to backup your arguments just because wessex was more "succesful", specially for reasons that probably had not much to do nor made the difference as you seem to claim.

Even then Im glad that you let me express in your forums in such a way and having this many feedback and constructive replies is always something that I respect. I hope someday we cross our paths again with a common cause to fight for and even work on a new kingdom when racial alignement/race changes gets more supported by the game.