Quote Originally Posted by Caine View Post
Thank you for proving every point I've ever made about how this entire situation is bull-shit. ^_^ Q_Q Exile from something that does'nt exist? From what.. you guys? Heaven forbid I don't get to hang out with you guys.
Exile should be quite obvious Caine ^_-
I hope you don't think we're playing fictional kingdoms here? I mean you do know we're waiting for a game called Darkfall? So when that game comes out if you're exiled you don't get to come close to any of the guild cities without being KOS. I mean if you send a pm or a few people chat with you we don't really care. I still get pms from Protonix and from time to time I do chat with him, but for all purposes you wouldn't be in the guild and you wouldn't be treated as a neutral either. So do you understand? If you still don't care then it's fine by us if you go find another guild, but judging from your attitude you probably shouldn't play with a guild since you seem indifferent to everyone else. Necros do tend to be solitary by nature...