Cocytus is the final level of hell, where the destroyers of life, realm, love, association, and faith are sent for grim punishment. Traitors, who betrayed kindred or country, are encased in ice, the depth of which is based upon the level of their betrayal, unable to move and forever denied the warmth of belonging. Barrators are similarly encased, but in pools of burning pitch which clings to their flesh and they to escape, only to plunge back into the fiery depths. So too are Murderers thus encased, but for them it is in burning blood and acrid fire. Again, does the level vary based upon their number of acts against His Children, and their contrition shown after such deeds. Here too are the destroyers of love, the Seducers who intentionally lead astray their victims into a choice they would not have made if they were not in a state of arousal. These sinners find themselves as grotesque caricatures of their former selves, while demons in the appearance of those they seduced beat them with thorned clubs. The worst to be found here are the destroyers of Faith, those who practice Sorcery, often using the power gained with the assistance of evil spirits for purposes of divining the future or manipulating His natural order of the world. These foul practitioners of sorcery are bound with chain as their flesh is slowly consumed by the demons they conspired with.