It has been long - much too long - since we have had a consistent source of guidance within one of our realms. The number of Faithful has dwindled. Today, many of those born in the Duchy will respond with, "Huh?" when Soldeus is mentioned. Those that do know his name are unfortunate in that they do not truly know his glory.

If someone would be willing to step up, I am sure that The Reverened Father Varrick ChaosWielder would be glad to take you under his wing and guide you so that you may guide us. In turn, when it comes time, I promise to pledge myself in helping you build and maintain a place of Worship. Whether that be a small garden on a hill or a church building in the town.

And before it is suggested, I would step up myself if I felt I had the time or the ability to do the job correctly. Unfortunately, I do not.