Evening, ladies and gentlemen,
Literally have not yet bought LiF:YO yet, been doing my research on it and of course the most important things are a) is there any point to buying LiF:YO vs LiF:MMO and b) can I find a great community for either. The sale, and the fact that we get a discount on our first character convinced me so I shall be purchasing the game in an hour or two.

I'm a veteran of various hardcore simulation games including Arma 3 and Dayz, as well as much more cartoonish games like WoW and Planetside 2. I'm a huge medieval history buff and will bore you with random facts about pointless medieval historical footnotes if you let me.

Can't wait to meet all of you, any advice re: Life is Feudal and getting in game would be much appreciated.

Luthric Tatten
Filthy Serf