"Let it be under grave circumstances that I make this formal announcement for all to be heard," Mister Destinova, the Chamberlain of Wessex, shouted from atop his steed as he pulled the reins to a halt stopping short of the pillory set up in the town square. Behind him trailed a Sheriff dragging what looked to be a reluctant Dafur Hammertoe in manacles.

"By the decree of this writ of chancery I hold before me, signed by the most venerable Duke of Wessex," Mister Destinova continued on while dismounting. "Dafur Hammertoe, Clerk of the Ducal Court, is to be punished for his transgressions towards the Ducal laws which state 'Let no one molest or harass his fellow subject', by means of being placed in the pillory for the duration of an entire day."

Mister Destinova stepped back and let the Sheriff fasten the clasps around Dafur's neck and hands.

"Let this lesson not go unnoticed that future acts of rudeness or disrespect towards citizens of Wessex will be punished accordingly."